Monday, August 5, 2013

day one

Friday I had yet another surgery.  Nobody even blinks an eye anymore I
have had so many surgeries.  This one very minor to pull out a pin
that keeps my ligament in place for it to heal.  It is healing, the
pin is done.  This little surgery was the eye opener.  You know
usually they just say and How much do you weigh and you tell them what
you think and they write it down.  But this time they had me get on
the scales…that ugly number stared up at me glaring, ridiculing me
shaming me.  .  Two hundred.  What? Me-- exercise specialst, walk the talk, believer in wellness and prevention? Really? I should weigh 125. 

This is a chronic problem since I returned home.  I just keep
gaining.  I have been through a lot over the last few years.  I had
cancer and surgery and chemo and radiation and infections and steroids
and the fatigue and the laziness and the 'overwhelmedness' caused more
and more weight to pile on. socializing with my family always includes food and drinks…socializing with anyone includes food and drinks.  Fatigue, no exercise the list is endless they are the same exucses for everyone else too.  I am not special or different I am just as lazy as the rest of the American population. 

So now I get to deal with guilt and shame not just for being
overweight (NO use the word)…obese but for being obese when I teach
the hazards, risks and demise of obesity.  Yes, me an exercise
specialist, certified diabetes educator in this spot that all my
patients have to deal with.  How could this happen? why did this
happen? why didn’t I stop it sooner? Stop the spiraling-- stop the
madness --grab hold of something and don’t let go. Clamp on to health,
clamp on to joy and get back to where I am supposed to be.
So I tried cutting down and I tried to eat sensibly but it doesn’t
work.  I couldn’t exercise oh wow another list.
Mainly lazy
secondly I had a broken ankle.
Thirdly I am tired and stressed and could not rise above it.

So now I am left with 75 lbs of excess wt.I can barely  bend over to
pick stuff up and I have to do that a lot since I drop stuff all the
time.  Climbing the stairs is hard I would never wear a bathing suit I
can’t dance in public without the fat rolling.  I am basically a mess.
So drastic changes need to occur.  Hello Slim Fast. Good bye other
treats.    And guess what today is…. a pizza party at work.  Yes of
course there is!  I brought a SlimFast shake thing.  I will have to
say no to the pizza, can I say no?  I have to say no.
I tell the me’s out there to set a goal, be realistic, focus on the
good stuff in life, don’t think of this as a diet .  Blah blah blah.
So how am I going to talk to myself?  What can I say so that I will be
motivated and able to stick with it? I want to lose 50 lbs by Dec when
I graduate. And NO that is not a realistic goal. Probably 40 would be
more like it and while I am not wanting to set myself up for failure…I
must be working hard to make this change.  And then another 25.  NO
pizza –Slim Fast  and exercise.  Plan  make a plan re do the plan get
So I will be positive and pragmatic and and it will work.
I believe I will be successful.  I believe I will write on this little
blog and pretend all kinds of people are reading it and joining in
with me on this painful journey.  I believe they will be successful
and we will all be great friends embarking on good health and
practicing what we truly believe.
I see myself hiking mountains, giving of myself, eating within my
means and arresting the gluttony that I despise.

Drastic measures for drastic numbers.  But no pics…must draw the line somewhere.
Onward downward (on the scale anyway)
I will keep you posted on the pizza party lunch…did I give in on day one?

OH MY I did give in on day one…I thought 'one piece and do the shake for dinner'.  And so I did the shake was blended with ice.  It was ok. I wanted to taste like a chocolate shake but not so much.  This is going to work.

If you read along, if you work along with me we will conquer the weight we will be less and by being less we will be more.  

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